Corporate Training
Our Corporate Training Content has been developed by industry experts in the various HR and Leadership fields and packaged for a seamless training experience that is sure to engage your employees.
Select an individual course for US$22.00 (TT$145) or select our recommended Corporate Training bundles or build your own three course bundle for the affordable price of US$99.00 (TT$675.00)

Price: US$22.00 Per Course

Price: US$22.00 Per Course

Price: US$22.00 Per Course

Price: US$22.00 Per Course
Emotional Intelligence at Work
Improving Self-Awareness
Increasing Your Happiness
Job Search Skills
Life Coaching Essentials
Social Intelligence
Social Learning
Trust Building and Resilience

Price: US$22.00 Per Course

Price: US$22.00 Per Course
Check out our recommended Corporate Training Bundles:
Administrative Skills - TT$500.00
Career Development - TT$ 500.00
Cybersecurity - TT$500.00
Microsoft Office Basics - TT$800.00
Microsoft Office Essentials - TT$ 1200.00
Small Business Essentials - TT$500.00
Don’t have a credit card? No worries! We’ve got you covered​
Simply visit any RBC Branch and make a deposit to Account: MSC International Ltd - A/C 110000003216336
Email a copy of the receipt to qualitrainservices@gmail.com and you will be registered and have access to your selected courses in 24 hours.